CNE Clinical Updated Course on Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach
課程簡介 | After comnpletion of the course,students would have an enhancement in the knowledge of pain management for older adults | |
課程內容 | Pain Management in Cancer and Terminal Patients and Psychological Support in Pain Management Various Types of Pain in Older People, Theory of Pain and underlying pathophysiology Assessment of pain, drug management and other forms of medical interventions Non-Drug Pain Management Physical Modalities and Physiotherapy for pain management Aromatherapy in Pain Management | |
導師 | Professional | |
培訓對象 | Nurse in Medical Wards, Geriatric Wards, Surgical Wards & Orthopaedic Wards, Elderly Homes and Community settings | |
授課語言 | 粵語 | |
修讀時間 | 12小時 | |
課程費用 | $1,600 (香港老年學會個人會員及機構會員- 機構最多提名五位員工) $1,800 (非香港老年學會會員) | |
課程証書 | 獲發聽講證書(須100%出席率) | |
出席率 | 出席率逹100% | |
持續護理教育學分 | 12 CNE Points | |
報名細則 | 學員報讀前必須考慮自身能力和了解課程要求,是否適合報讀相關課程。除獲本院批准外,學費一經繳交,概不退還; 整個課程只可由申請人修讀,不得以任何理由轉讓他人或由他人代為上課及考核 |