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24th Annual Congress of Gerontology
“Promoting Holistic Care and Well-being among Older People ”
Date: | 18/11/2017 (Saturday) | |
Time: | 9:00am to 4:30pm | |
Venue: | Crystal Ballroom, 2nd Floor, The Cityview, Chinese YMCA, 23 Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon | |
Enquiry: | Tel: (+852) 2775 5756 | |
Fax: (+852) 2775 5586 | ||
Email: info@hkag.org | ||
Tentative Programme: | ||
08:30-09:00 | Registration | |
09:00-09:05 | Welcome Address Dr. Edward M F Leung, President, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology |
Plenary Session (Moderator: Dr Edward M F Leung) | ||
09:05-09:30 | Plenary Session 1 |
09:30-10:00 | Plenary Session 2 |
10:00-10:05 | President Address Dr. Edward M F Leung, President, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology |
10:05-10:15 | Keynote Address Prof. Sophia Chan, JP, Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR |
10:15-10:30 | RACAS – Full Participation Award and Certification Presentation | |
10:30-10:55 | Morning Tea Break | |
10:55-12:25 | Outstanding Paper Presentation (Moderator: Prof. Raymond Ngan) | |
The Association between Mediterranean Diet and Frailty in Community-dwelling Older People in Hong Kong: A Preliminary Result of an Ongoing Cross-sectional Study. |
Setting Goals and Reinforcing Positive Expectations promote Older Adults’ Post- Stroke Recovery. |
A Mixed Methods Study on Ageing Chinese Adults’ Care Expectation in the Changing Family and Sociocultural Contexts in Hong Kong. |
Empowering, Engaging, and Enabling Senior Citizens to Participate in their Future Healthcare Planning in the Digital Age. |
Gait, Balance and Fall Risk Assessment |
12:25-12:30 | Outstanding Paper Award Prize Presentation | |
12:30-12:45 | HKAG Annual General Meeting | |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch & Poster Presentation | |
Afternoon | Free Paper Presentation | |
14:00-15:15 | Session I: Long Term Care | Session II: Dementia & Mental Health |
Improving Quality of Care of RCHEs through Systematic Training by Quality Improvement Project. Chiu D.W.A., Leung M.F.E., Chung W.T.A |
3 Year Longitudinal Review on Cognitive Function of Patients with Dementia in Memory Clinic. Ma S.Y.D., Cheung H.Y., Leung W.Y.F. and Wu A. |
An interdisciplinary Team Approach for the Prevention of Minimal Trauma Fractures in Long-term Care Residents. Lam K., Leung M.F., Kwan C.W. and Kwan J. |
A Review on the Performance of HK-MoCA 5-minute Protocol to Elderly Patients. Au Yeung W.N., Lee M.L.M., Leung W.Y.F. and Wu A. |
Review of Frailty Measurements: Conceptual Definitions, Psychometric Properties and Diagnostic Accuracies Huang E.Y.Z. & Lam S.C. |
BIGMAP: A Program for Older Adults with or without MCI. Fu F., Fung L.,Cheng P., Chow B., Ip H.W. and Yuan Y. |
Implementation Experience of Dementia Care Mapping in Residential & Day Care Centre Services for Older Persons in Hong Kong Wong H.Y.G., Lok Y.M.W., Tang Y.M.J., Lum Y.S.T. and Leung Y.M.M. |
The Association Between Mass Media Exposure and Dementia Literacy : A Cross-sectional Study Yu, T.L.R., Cheung W.M., Chiu M.L., Ho L.Y., Kong S.M., Lai C.Y., Wong C.M. and Leung A.Y.M. |
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy in Real-life Settings: It is more than Improvement in Measurement Scale. Chung Y.C.B., Liu P.M.D., Wong L.F.S., Wu C.F.L., Chan Y.R., Kwok Y.L.A. and Lai Y.K.R. |
A Student Community Project of Play Activities for Persons with Dementia: a Win-Win Situation. Kwong N.L.A., Au Y.M.E. and Cheng Y.S.G. |
15:15-15:30 | Afternoon Tea Break | |
15:30-16:45 | Session III: Health Care | Session IV: Physical Health |
Case Studies in End of Life Care in RCHEs in Hong Kong. Liu C.F.F. |
Thermal Sensation and Use of Open Space for Elderly’s Well-being. Wang S.Q. and Yung H.K.E. |
Shortening the Waiting Time of High Risk Elderly at Geriatric Out-patient Clinic through Comprehensive Assessment and Management (CAM) Chan O.L.I., Sha K.Y., Tang S.K. and Ng Y.B. |
Malnutrition Screening and Nutrition Consumption in the Hospitalized Geriatric Patients: A Prospective Study. TING T., Chan S., Lui G., Wong C.Y., Ng S. and Tam S. |
Life-and-Death Education: Sub-degree Students’ Role in promoting Palliative Care. Fong W.T.C., and Kwong N.L.A. |
Engaging Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients in Physical Activity through Photovoice: A randomized controlled trial study Leung Y.M.A. and Leung S.H. |
Relationship between Sugar-Sweetened Beverages (SSB) Consumption, Meat Intake and Prediabetes among Middle-Aged Group in Hong Kong Cheung C.M., Chu H.Y., Chan W.Y., Chau H.T., Shiu K.W., Wong H.S., Leung S.H. and Leung A.Y.M. |
The Use of Accelerometers in measuring the Physical Activity of Community-dwelling Older People in Hong Kong: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Outcomes of a Pilot Study. Wong H.C., Wong T.T., Chan K.W., Yau L.Y., Yeung F.W., Chan C.W., Tsang S.T., Wong K. and Kwan Y.C.R. |
Retrospective Study: Investigate the Predictors of In-patient Length of Stay and Discharge Destination in Stroke Rehabilitation in Princess Margaret Hospital. Chan H.Y.M., Lo T.K.V., So C.T.,Cheng W.C.C.S. |
Effect of Acupressure on the Quality of Sleep in Chinese Old Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (ID): A Pilot Study and on-going Project Luk W.M.A. |
Registration Fees: | (Lunch & refreshments included) HK$450 (Members) / HK$600 (Non-members) / US$150 (Overseas)/HK$100 (Only for Full-time Students with proof; lunch not included. Limited quota; priority will be given to paper presenters) Registration Form ![]() |
Participants with full day attendance at the Congress will be granted
CNE 5 points or CPD (SW) 5 points. CME and CPD (OT & PT) points have been applied and were pending. |
Enquiries: | 2775 5756 |