What's New
Social Welfare Department (SWD) "Private Homes for the Elderly" Certification Scheme
The Social Welfare Department (SWD) launched a five-year period in 2019-20."The Private Occupational Home Certification Scheme" (funding scheme), the assessment scheme of the Association has been obtained The Hong Kong Accreditation Service is accredited by the "Registration System for Service Providers of Residential Care Homes". And the Social Welfare Department is included in the approved accreditaion schems under the "Support Scheme".
For more information,Please visits the follow URLhttps://www.swd.gov.hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_lr/sub_accredsubsidt/Or Call our party at 37052383 / 27273250,enquiry hotline 90163134
The Hong Kong Accreditation Service of the Innovation and Technology Commission acknowledged the Accreditation Division as the "Accredited Certification Body of Certification of Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Service Providers’ Management System"
Accreditation Division has been acknowledged as the "Accredited Certification Body of Certification of Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Service Providers’ Management System "by the Hong Kong Accreditation Service of the Innovation and Technology Commission on June 2014. We also become the first organization to obtain this qualification of accrediting aged care homes body in Hong Kong.
Up to now, we have gained two accreditation schemes internationally. The first one dated back to 2008 when we obtained certification by the International Society for Quality Assurance in Health Care(ISQua). Remarkably, in 2014, the Hong Kong Accreditation Service of the Innovation and Technology Commission acknowledged us as the “Accredited Certification Body of Certification of Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Service Providers’ Management System”. These two schemes enhanced the acceptability and recognizability of the RACAS.
Please read the lastest newsletter to knowmore about RACAS.
「RACAS」Phamplet and Newsletter

In order to promote RACAS services to public and provide list of updated accredited RCHEs, RACAS will periodically publish a phamplet and a newsletter in June and December.
《Report on the Review of the Residential Aged Care Accreditation Scheme》

Since 2002, HKAG had accumulated a lot of useful data and information on accrediting aged cares homes in the last 10 years. We now take the opportunity to share these experiences with the aged care professionals, academics, government officials, the general public, and the residential aged care sector, etc. by publishing a review report.Price: HK $200 (Self-pick)
RACAS newspaper advertisement (Chinese only)

Monthly newspaper advertisement to release the latest news of RACAS and the latest accredited elderly home list. ...more details

Families and the elders should go to visit the RCHEs especially in peak period, in order to observe the service quality of RCHEs and performances...


In collaboration with 8 medical, nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and social welfare organizations, HKAG held an outstanding Residential Home Award Ceremony in 2009.