Duties and Roles

Residential Aged Care is a specialized job, which include different professional areas, such as administrative management in residential home (RCHE), elderly care, psychological care for seniors and rehabilitation care. To ensure that assessor can fully examine the service quality of the RCHE, assessor must work in the field that related to residential aged care. All assessors of Residential Aged Care Accreditation Scheme (RACAS) are doctors, nurses, social workers, physiotherapists and occupational therapists, with at least 3 years experience in elderly services and related knowledge


Apart from professional qualification and experience in elderly services, an assessor should equip accurate judgment, delicate analytical skill, and excellent spoken and written communication ability. Besides, assessors should have a clear understanding of RACAS and great competence in mastering accreditation tools. Moreover, assessor requires a fair, objective and impartial manner in order to achieve the aims of accreditation. RACAS has set up the assessor training program and the advanced course to ensure that all of the assessors are able to meet the above criteria.


The "Pilot Project on Accreditation System for Residential Care Services for the Elders in Hong Kong" and “Residential Aged Care Accreditation Scheme (RACAS)” launched until now, over 300 professionals completed the training program and here are their organizations and professional background (Up to 1st January, 2019) :

Organizational background




Home (RCHE)

Elderly Service


Hospital Authority /Department of Health/
Social Welfare Departmen


Training Bodies

Number of people213126762646487

*Not providing the service unit

Professional background

ProfessionalNurseSocial WorkerPhysiotherapistOccupational TherapistDoctorTotal
Number of People26617327174487


The performance of assessors will directly alter the commitment of HKAG which aims at enhancing the service quality of residential home (RCHE). A honorarium system is established to appreciate our assessors contributing to RACAS. When the assessor completed all accreditation tasks (which include on-site assessment and submission of accreditation report), then honorarium will be offered (Honorarium is HKD$6000 effective from 1st January, 2019 and the amount will be adjusted by time to time).


To apply to be one of our assessors, please keep watch for our annual assessor training program.

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