


Enhancement Measures of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Support Scheme


From 1 December 2019*, all RPL applicants can apply for full reimbursement of assessment fees in a lump sum after obtaining the Statement of Attainment (SOA). All applications should be submitted within two years from the date of issuance of SOA. Late applications will not be accepted.


For those who have successfully applied for RPL on or before 30 November 2019 and wish to apply for either full or partial reimbursement of assessment fees, please submit applications on or before 30 November 2021. Late applications will not be accepted.


*It refers to the date applicants submit RPL application forms to assessment agencies or the postmark date on envelope.



Starting from 1st April 2017, application for Reimbursement of Recognition of Prior Learning assessment fees should be submitted to the Qualificatons Framework Secretariat (address: Units 901-903, 9/F, Sunlight Tower, 248 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong).


For details, please contact us on 3793-3957


Visit hkgf website ►




「過往資歷認可」機制是資歷架構的一個相關機制,主要目的是讓不同背景的從業員所具備的知識、技能和經驗,均可在資歷架構下獲得正式確認。讓有志進修的從業員可按本身取得的資歷級別,制訂進修和進階的起點,減少在這些技能方面重複受訓的需要。 僱主可以了解僱員所達到的能力標準及級別,從此制訂相應的培訓計劃,配合機構發展的需要。





